The Joe Wright/Spencer Heights combo IS in. JW is a solid medium high/high and Spencer was approximately 3.5 on Sportsman’s with no tunnel. Two new pieces of wood to avoid on Joe Wright. One will require a portage at even slightly lower flows. This wood is early in the run below Carnito but above the main action and blind corners. It is a notorious wood collecting spot where the left channel was open the last few years and where the right channel was a sneak a number of years ago. Neither of these were open today but there was tiny bit of water going through the far right channel. There is an o.k. eddy on the right and then spot the knuckle dragging channel through some leggy bushes.
The other new wood is just below all of the main corner action. It looks river wide from above but you can pretty easily get around it on the left.
Spencer Heights is the goods with no woods.
Whiteline appears to have changed. Not sure what happened but the high water definitely re-arranged some stuff at the bottom elongating the main drop. Interested to see what it will look like at lower flows.
Some pics from today by Jake, Austin’s roommate.